Spider Solitaire Online,  Free! 1, 2 and 4 suits!

Instructions to play this Spider Solitaire game:

– If you want to turn off the sound effects on the game, click on the sound box on the bottom left corner of your screen.

1 – Press “New Game”

2 – Choose the difficulty level: 1 Suit for Easy, 2 Suits for intermediate and 4 Suits for hard.

3 – After choosing the level of difficulty and how many suits will be used on your game, the cards will be dealt and the game will begin.

Royal Flush of Hearts

4 – BE CAREFUL when you press “Menu” because it will take you back to the main screen and you will lose your game, so be careful to not mistakenly press it in the middle of your game.

5 – Pressing “Hint” will show you tips for your next moves.

6 – Pressing “Undo” will revert your last move, so that’s an excellent tool to be used during the entire game, especially when you make a mistake. Another way to use this button is to take a peek at the cards that are still facing down on your table when you have two or more options of movement and you are not sure which one will reveal the best card for your game. So you make the two (or more) moves, see the two (or more) cards that will be revealed at each move, revert the move that you see as the worse possibility and you will be left with the best revealed card for the moment. What is really great about this version of Spider Solitaire is that the “Undo” button doesn’t count as a move, so you can use it as much as you want and don’t have to worry about your move being counted in the end of the game!

Four Suits of The Game

7 – The chronometre on the upper left corner of the game screen shows for how long you have being playing that game. That’s very useful for those players (including me) that want to win the game in the shortest possible time. If you keep track of your games this chronometre can be very useful as a reference to give you the average time you take to win your rounds, and to see if your game is improving or not.

8 – On the upper right corner of your game screen you will find your move counter. This counter shows how many movements you have made on the game. Just like the chronometre, it is very useful for those players who like to keep track of their games, since it allows you to know how many moves it took to win the game. The less moves it takes you to win, the better you are playing. If you are still a beginner player at Spider Solitaire, don’t worry too much about this counter, worry about winning the game. Once you start to win more games, you can start to analyse your games and compare the number of movements you make on each round you win.

Click here to play another spider solitaire card game online


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